  • 04-Mar-2023
  • by Er. Deepak Maurya

Isaac Newton - Biography, Facts, Discoveries, Laws.

Newton was born on 4 January 1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England.Newton was the only son of a prosperous local farmer, also named Isaac, who died three months before his birth. Small and weak, a premature baby, Newton was not expected to survive.When he was 3 years old, his mother, Hannah Isaac Newton, remarried a well-to-do minister, Barnabas Smith, and moved in with him, leaving young Newton with his maternal grandmother.The experience left an indelible mark on Newton, later manifesting itself as a feeling of insecurity. He watched his published work eagerly, defending his merits with anxious demeanor.At the age of 12, Newton was reunited with her mother after the death of her second husband. She had brought her three young children from her second marriage.

Full name – Isaac Newton
Born – December 25, 1642
Location – England
Education – Trinity College, England
Profession – Scientist
Citizenship – England
Died - 31 March 1727

Isaac Newton's Teachings
Newton attended King's School in Grantham, a town in Lincolnshire, where he met a local preacher and introduced him to the fascinating world of chemistry.

His mother dropped him in school at the age of 12. His plan was to make him a farmer and cultivate the field. Newton failed miserably, as he found farming monotonous. Newton was soon sent back to King's School to finish his basic education.

Perhaps sensing the young man's innate intellectual abilities, his uncle, a graduate of Trinity College at the University of Cambridge, persuaded Newton's mother to admit him to the university. Newton enrolled in a work-study-like program in 1661, and later waited at tables and looked after the rooms of wealthy students.

Scientific revolution
When Newton arrived at Cambridge, the scientific revolution of the 17th century was already in full swing. The auxiliary view of the universe – classified by astronomers Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler, and later refined by Galileo – was well known in most European academic circles. The philosopher René Descartes had begun to formulate a new conception of nature as a complex, impersonal and passive machine. Nevertheless, like most universities in Europe, Cambridge was steeped in Aristotelian philosophy and had to deal with nature in qualitative rather than quantitative terms, resting on a landscape view of the universe.

During his first three years at Cambridge, Newton was taught the standard curriculum, but was influenced by more advanced science. All his free time was spent reading from modern philosophers. The result was a less-than-stellar performance, but one that is understandable, given its dual course of study. It was during this time that Newton presented a second set of notes titled "Questine's Quadum Philosophy". The "question" suggests that Newton discovered a new concept of nature.

which provided the framework for the scientific revolution. Although Newton graduated without honors or distinction, his efforts earned him the title of scholar and four years of financial support for future education.

Isaac Newton's Discovery
Newton made discoveries in optics, motion and mathematics. Newton stated that white light was a composite of all the colors of the spectrum, and that light was composed of particles.

His important book on physics, Principia, contains information about almost all the essential concepts of physics except energy, which ultimately helped him to explain the laws of motion and the theory of gravitation. Along with the mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Newton is credited with developing the essential principles of calculus.

Newton's first major public scientific achievement was the design and construction of a reflecting telescope in 1668. As a professor at Cambridge, Newton was required to deliver an annual course of lectures and chose optics as his introductory subject. He used his telescope to help him study optics and prove his theory of light and color.

The Royal Society asked for a demonstration of its reflecting telescope in 1671, and the organization's interest encouraged Newton to publish his Notes on Light, Optics and Color in 1672. These notes were later published as part of Newton's Optics: Or, A Treatise. Reflection, refraction, color and shades of light.

Between 1665 and 1667, Newton returned home from Trinity College to pursue his private studies, as the school was closed due to the Great Plague. Legend has it that at this time, Newton experienced his famous spur of gravity with a falling apple.

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